About Us

Our Founder

Founded in 2002 by Mr. Terrence Stevens, a native of New York City. He has been on a mission to serve inner-city youth and he knows too well the stories that these kids represent. In 1992, Mr. Stevens was sentenced to 15-years-to-life for a nonviolent drug offense. He served 10 years under the Rockefeller era before receiving clemency from former New York Governor Pataki in 2001. Mr. Stevens suffers from muscular dystrophy and is virtually paralyzed from the neck down and fully reliant on a power wheelchair. His spine is bent and his breathing is labored. Although challenged with what many may deem as severe limitations, Mr. Stevens does not see his situation through similar lens. On the contrary, he has not allowed the physical barriers to deter his passion and commitment to serving this unique and vulnerable population.

IAR serves as a beacon of hope to children and families in underserved communities, but also as an inspiring testament for an individual with a severe disability who overcame insurmountable odds.

Terrence Stevens and Anthony Papa,
Legendary Reform Activist, Live Podcast Interview

The Late Honorable Jerry Marks, NYS Supreme Court Justice (RET.) IAR Founding Board Member, and Terrence Stevens

Nina Rosenblum, Terrence Stevens and Harvard Scholar, Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

About Us

In Arms Reach (IAR), a community-based grassroots 501 c 3 organization with a remote platform. We provide low-income disengaged children and youth, including those impacted by incarceration with holistic support services, academic enrichment, mentorship, and mental health guidance.

At IAR, we provide support for families to deal positively with losses, the social ills of society and comfort youth to break their silence, including the trauma of being impacted by a loved one who is incarcerated. Our platform is where participants can speak freely to help digest any feelings of anger, sorrow, and frustration. One of our goals is to normalize education beyond high school and spark the imagination and conversations about 21st century workforce and careers.

Board of Directors

Dr. J. Josma, MD

Dr. J. Josma, MD was inspired by IAR and joined the organization as a tutor and mentor during his years of med school. He graduated from New York Medical College. After his career settled, Dr. J. Josma returned to IAR to give back to communities and joined as a board of director member

Dr. Dani Mc Beth, PhD

Dr. Dani Mc Beth, PhD is Associate Medical Professor and Dean of Student Affairs. He teaches major portions of the basic microbiology and bacteriology portions of the Medical Microbiology etc., for both medical students and physician’s assistants’ students. He is involved in advising students on a variety of issues, through the matching process to the final two years of medical school.

Dr. G. Carpenter MD

Dr. G. Carpenter, MD was inspired by IAR and joined the IAR organization as a tutor and mentor during his years of med school. Dr. Carpenter pursued medical studies at SUNY Downstate Medical Center where he received his MD. He completed residency in Internal Medicine at Winthrop University Hospital and has been a member of the American College of Physicians. After his career settled, Dr. Carpenter returned to IAR to give back to communities and joined as a board of director member.

Mr. Stevens

Mr. Stevens is a physically challenge Founder of IAR, formerly incarcerated advocate for social justice change and mass incarceration on communities of color. A mobilizer for under resourced communities with over 18 years’ experience, innovative approaches to management and leadership on issues surrounding the prison industrial complex. Experience and expertise in developing community impact strategies, STEM initiatives, nonprofit relations, grassroots organizing and volunteer engagement. Experienced in managing multiple campaigns and projects simultaneously.

Elliot H. Levine CPA

Elliot H. Levine, CPA and a graduate of Queens College, City University of New York. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Mr. Levine's work experience includes five years at Arthur Young, eleven and a half years as partner and director of taxes of Leslie Sufrin & Co. P.C., a one-year tenure as senior tax manager at Margolin, Winer & Evans CPAs and over 16 years as senior member of Levine & Seltzer.

© 2024 In Arms Reach.